Smart home

Smart humidifier

After the radar module sensor detects the presence of a human body, it will automatically turn on


Smart humidifier

After the radar module detects the presence of a human body, it automatically turns on


Smart sensor trash can

After the microwave radar module sensor detects that the human body is approaching, it automatically pops the lid of the trash can


Smart sensor toilet

The radar module detects the approach and distance of the human body, and realizes the functions of automatic light on or off, automatic flushing, etc.


Smart UV germicidal lamp

Once the microwave radar sensor detects that the human body enters the radar monitoring range, it will automatically turn off the ultraviolet light to achieve product safety protection


Smart sterilization towel rack

Once the human body is detected to enter the radar monitoring range, the ultraviolet light will be automatically turned off to realize the safety protection of the product


2021-12-22 系统管理员 1013